Research & Analysis

Research Income 2024 TEST

11th December 2024
Research & Analysis Learning & Teaching

National Student Survey 2016: Results for business and administrative studies

31st August 2016

The NSS results for 2016 showed that courses in business and administrative studies are highly regarded by the student body. We have provided a table of the results for business and administrative studies in the same categories as last year.

The survey asked students across the UK 21 questions to rate their institution on the general themes of teaching, assessment and feedback, academic support, organisation and management, learning and resources, and personal development. Students were also asked to give an overall satisfaction rating with their course. Over 310,000 students responded to the survey, a response rate of 72%.

An additional six institutions are included this year, taking the number of institutions offering business and management to 136. The Chartered ABS spreadsheet has a filter so that you are able to sort according to whichever question you wish. To do so just click on the arrow next to the question number in Row 8. As a brief summary:

  • Teaching is considered to be particularly good in business schools;

  • Likewise learning resources were highly rated;

  • As with all subject areas, feedback on assessments received the lowest scores, in terms of timeliness, depth and usefulness;

  • In about 86% of cases students feel they have been given good academic support;

  • There has been an improvement in perceptions of organisation and management;

  • The vast majority agreed that their course had aided their personal development.

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