Research & Analysis

Research Income 2024 TEST

11th December 2024
Research & Analysis Learning & Teaching

National Student Survey 2019: Results for Business & Management studies

3rd July 2019

The results from the 2019 National Student Survey were released to the general public on 3 July 2019. The survey is formed of 27 questions where students are asked to rate their institution on a number of themes including teaching, learning opportunities, assessment and feedback, academic support and learning resources. The latest survey was completed by over 300,000 full-time first degree graduates.

For this year’s NSS a total of 162 institutions provided returns for the subject area of Business & Management, an increase from 154 last year. The Chartered ABS has incorporated the NSS results for Business & Management into a single spreadsheet which can be filtered by institution and question. The new version of the spreadsheet contains drop-down menus for each question enabling users to easily view the average scores by provider mission group and region. There is also a table which compares the results for Business & Management with the average score across all subject areas.

Download here

A similar spreadsheet for the field of Law can be found here.