Research & Analysis

Research Income 2024 TEST

11th December 2024
Research & Analysis Research Funding

Research Income for Business and Management: 2010-2014

15th March 2016

This report provides analysis of research income in the field of Business and Management for the years 2010/11 to 2013/14. The report tracks funding from a variety of sources and compares income with other subject areas, in particular STEM. In the field of Business and Management there is analysis of income across UK regions, across business schools and across mission groups.

Key findings include:

1. Declining research income for Business and Management

  • Down overall by almost 8.5 percent between 2010/2011 and 2013/2014

  • With a particularly marked decline in research funding from “UK central government bodies/local authorities, health and hospital authorities”; by 36.13 percent, a drop of over £7.3 million from 2010/11 to 2013/14

  • UK industry is also funding less research in this field (down over 35% in this period)

  • A significant increase in the proportion of funding coming from EU sources

2. Greater regional concentration of research funding in London and the South-East

  • While all other regions experienced declines or little change, London and the South-East increased their share of the Business and Management funding from 37 percent of all research income in 2010/11 to 40 percent in 2013/14

3. A concentration of research income in a small number of leading business schools

  • Five business schools secured almost 30 percent of the total (£198 million) in the period 2011/2012 to 2013/2014.

  • Ten business schools account for £88 million or 44 percent of the total research income earned by all business schools in this period.

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