Research & Analysis

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BEIS consultation on the UK R&D Roadmap: our response

23rd September 2020

The Chartered ABS has submitted a response to the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) consultation on the UK’s Research & Development Roadmap.

If the UK is to achieve bigger breakthroughs using research we believe there should be more diversity in the types of people undertaking research and framing the questions, and more support for multidisciplinary research with input from a wide range of academic disciplines and perspectives. Business schools are particularly well-placed to engage in translational research, “moving from what we know to what we do”. To maximise the benefits of the application of new knowledge we suggest a focus on fostering closer relations between scholars, policymakers and research users, and improved dissemination of research findings to non-academic audiences. Encouraging innovation right across the economy will require more support for applied research as a methodology within academia.

The BEIS R&D roadmap articulates the UK's vision and ambition for science, research and innovation, and over the coming months the government will develop the proposals in the roadmap into a comprehensive R&D plan. BEIS asked a series of high-level questions about the plan for interested organisations and people, and the Chartered ABS submitted a response to BEIS based on input from our members.

You can read our full response here.