Research & Analysis

Research Income 2024 TEST

11th December 2024

Consultation on Higher Technical Education: our response

6th November 2019

The Chartered ABS has published its response to the Department for Education’s consultation on its proposed reforms to Higher Technical Education in England. We are in agreement with the DfE that a simplified system is needed which delivers high quality qualifications relevant to the labour market. We are less sure, however, that there is evidence for strong demand for higher level qualifications that fall short of a degree and recommend that the views of students and parents are heard. It is important that any policy aimed at increasing the number of students enrolled on level 4 and 5 qualifications should not lead to a reduction in the number of students enrolling on degree programmes. We also feel that it is important not to overlook that existing HE provision is already delivering some of the aims proposed for these qualifications.

The government has outlined its vision for Higher Technical Education to be a prestigious choice that delivers high levels of occupational competence and supports entry to skilled employment. A key aim of Higher Technical Qualifications is to deliver the knowledge, skills and behaviours that are understood and recognised as high-quality by employers and therefore have labour market currency.

You can read our full response here.