Funding to support teaching in Higher Education consultation: our response

This consultation relates to teaching funding to support widening access and successful student outcomes, including progression to taught postgraduate study.
In the view of the Chartered ABS, the following areas need to be addressed with some possible solutions:
Recognising institutions that have widening participation at the core of their mission through additional funding whilst ensuring a clear link and measure of value-added.
Continued state funding for institutions to help them best support students with disabilities to enable successful student outcomes.
Increasing the support and encouragement of UK students progressing to postgraduate level as opposed to discontinuing any type of funding.
Support for postgraduate participation should not be restricted to particular subject areas.
Postgraduate study is expensive and becoming burdensome to students. One of the most cost-effective ways to encourage companies to fund postgraduate study would be to offer tax breaks in return.
You can read our full response here.