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Huddersfield Business School recognised as THE Awards Business School of the Year 2023

12th December 2023

Chartered ABS member Huddersfield Business School was recognised as the Times Higher Education Business School of the Year 2023 at last week’s awards ceremony.

The judges for the award commended Huddersfield for its clear purpose and impacts in supporting communities in West Yorkshire to overcome economic deprivation. 

Through two major European Structural and Investment Fund programmes focusing on supply chains and manufacturing, the business school was able to give strategic support to more than 200 local manufacturing companies in the aftermath of the pandemic, opening new market opportunities for businesses and helping them improve efficiency. 

In January 2022, the school was accredited with the SBC, enabling it to provide support to small and medium-sized enterprises via the Help to Grow: Management Course, with more than 60 companies benefiting so far. 

The judges also praised the school for engaging students with local businesses to deliver fantastic impact. In 2021-22, 170 of the university’s Master’s students provided consultancy services for 33 clients. The consultancy support postgraduates provided to Spectrum People, an independent charity for vulnerable adults and young people in Wakefield, engaged 781 people and led to the creation of 82 jobs.

The judges said: “The business school has a very clear purpose and identity, with its programmes of work aligned brilliantly to the distinctiveness of the region. The school has delivered fantastic evidence of impact and outcomes, such as job creation and high levels of engagement to the benefit of students, the local community, employers, and the economy.”

Our congratulations to the team at Huddersfield for their hard work and dedication to impact; an excellent example of the high quality of the UK's business schools.

More information about the award can be found at