IfATE consultation on degree apprenticeships: our response

The Chartered ABS has submitted a response to the IfATE’s consultation on its proposals for changes to existing policies that affect the development, approval and delivery of degree apprenticeships. Chartered ABS members agree with the IfATE’s proposed evidence base for evaluating if an occupation is a graduate occupation suitable for a degree apprenticeship. Employers may need some support and guidance in designing bespoke degrees, and input from HEIs and PSRBs should be considered in the evaluation process.
We agree that better guidance is needed as to how employers and training providers are expected to integrate training delivered on and off-the-job. Commitment from employers is required for effective integration and they will need to provide apprentices with appropriate training opportunities. In some cases employers may require training on assessing performance and providing effective feedback.
Our members concur that to achieve closer integration between on-the-job and off-the-job training the learning outcomes of any degree mandated in an apprenticeship standard should reflect the requirements of the occupation through alignment with the knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSBs) in the employer-specified occupational standard. However, for this proposal to work there will need to be strong working partnerships between Trailblazer employers and HEIs. The latter should include a diverse mix of HEIs and ensure there is a consensus that the KSBs can be achieved. Feedback from our members also emphasised the need for an adequate notice period and reasonable timescales when the IfATE amends apprenticeship standards.
The full response can be read here.