IfATE consultation on updates to the criteria for mandatory qualifications in apprenticeships: our response

The Chartered ABS has responded to the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) consultation on changes to the criteria for mandatory qualifications in apprenticeships. The consultation aimed to collect opinions on whether and how mandatory qualifications might be stipulated for apprenticeships. Our response was informed by detailed input from members of our Apprenticeships committee, representing a range of our member institutions.
Broadly, the consensus among our members was that the proposed changes were likely to have a negative impact on apprenticeships . While it was acknowledged that the proposals at present relate to non-degree apprenticeships, there is concern that the proposals might set a precedent which could expand to cover degree apprenticeships in the future.
It was felt that the proposals would add an additional layer of complexity and rigidity to a system that should remain flexible to best accommodate shifting market demands. Members questioned the need for such proposals as many felt that the current regulatory environments more than sufficient to identify low quality offerings. It was also felt that more trust should be placed in Trailblazer groups to identify their own needs.
The consultation also included a number of questions on assessment. We agreed with a great deal of these questions in principle, though the need for the questions was not always clear given the existence of regulatory policy and frameworks which already effectively address the problems raised in the questions.
You can read our full response here.