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OfS consultation on potential changes to the National Student Survey: our response

8th September 2022

The Chartered ABS has responded to the Office for Students’ consultation on potential changes to the National student Survey based on input from our Council and members of our Learning, Teaching and Student Experience (LTSE) committee.

We generally agreed with many of the OfS’ proposals. We are supportive of the shift to direct questions, but advised that any such changes be rigorously tested first. We also agreed that the proposed periodic review should strike a healthy balance between currency and stability. Regarding the proposed changes to the timing of the survey fieldwork, the Chartered ABS feels confident in supporting this change, with input from our members suggesting that they are confident the change will not adversely impact response rates at their institutions.

The Chartered ABS disagreed with the proposal to remove the summative question for England only. We contend that the question adds a great deal of value to the overall survey, capturing what might not already have been captured in other questions. Additionally, we raised concerns about consistency across nations, and urged the OfS to consider the impact that this will have on the way different groups (students in particular) are able to make use of the results.

You can find our full response here.