UKRI consultation on options for the next KEF: our response

The Chartered ABS has responded to UKRI’s technical consultation on options for the next Knowledge Exchange Framework, aimed at improving the underlying methodology used in the assessment in addition to a number of other aspects of the exercise. Our response was developed with valuable input from our members, in particular those in our KEF working group.
The Chartered ABS agrees with all of UKRI’s proposed changes regarding the methodology, including the proposal to move to five quintiles instead of ten deciles, and to use words instead of numbers to label perspective-level outcomes. In the section regarding underlying metrics, we highlighted concerns that valuable knowledge exchange activities particularly common in business schools were not currently captured by existing KEF metrics.
Regarding dashboard design, we support options which we believe will result in a more user-friendly experience that would cater to a wider range of users with varying degrees of understanding of the intricacies of the KEF. Finally, with respect to narrative statement submissions, we are in favour of options which would strike a balance between maintaining currency of information while limiting the administrative burden on providers.
You can read our full response here.