Research & Analysis

Research Income 2024 TEST

11th December 2024

How to Apply

There are four categories of membership to the Chartered ABS, as follows:

  • Full membership

  • Associate membership

  • International membership

  • Corporate membership

The eligibility for each of these categories is set out below.

Full membership

Full membership is available to institutions located in the United Kingdom which are universities, colleges, schools or other bodies which satisfy all of the following criteria:

  • Delivery in the UK of HE level qualifications in business and management which are core to the institution's mission and with sufficient breadth and depth to meet the national subject benchmark statements for general business and management of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).

  • Normally, have gained formal approval from the Privy Council as a Chartered body or body with degree awarding powers and be subject to a UK national external quality assurance system; i.e. have gained formal degree awarding powers from the QAA or in the case of vocational qualifications, full approval from the Ofqual or Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), or the Department of Education, Northern Ireland (DENI).

  • Provide sufficient commitment to, and achieve, a critical mass in terms of research or scholarship to underpin the qualifications, as evidenced by, for example: the Institutional strategy, polices and practices, the quality and quantity of published outputs as measured, for example, by the Chartered ABS Academic Journal Guide and the nature and level of financial and academic support for the 'community of scholars' associated with the qualifications.

Applicants should provide detailed information on all of the criteria above and may be required to facilitate a visit by one or more members of the Council prior to approval. The costs of such a visit are borne by the applicant.

Institutions applying for membership also require the formal support of two existing Chartered ABS members (via their voting representatives) to act as referees for their application.

Institutions that are granted full membership can use the term 'Member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools' and the Chartered ABS logo in their documentation and publicity materials.

Full members have full and equal access to all activities undertaken by the Chartered ABS and may send a voting and a non-voting representative to the Annual General Meeting. Full members are eligible to serve on the Chartered ABS Council and can be co-opted onto Chartered ABS Committees.

Associate membership

Associate membership is available to institutions located in the United Kingdom, or branches of overseas institutions which have registered offices in the United Kingdom, which have a desire to become Full members, but as yet do not meet all of the requirements of Full membership (see criteria above).

Associate members have access to participate in all activities (such as publications, consultations, events and professional development) offered by the Chartered ABS apart from matters relating to the governance of the association. Associate members are not eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting or on matters of governance, but are welcome to send a non-voting representative to the Annual General Meeting. Associate members are therefore ineligible to serve on the Chartered ABS Council.

Applicants should provide as much detailed information as possible against the criteria. A visit by one or more members of the Council prior to approval may be required. The costs of such a visit are borne by the applicant.

Institutions applying for membership also require the formal support of two existing Chartered ABS members (via their voting representatives) to act as referees for their application.

Upon application to become an Associate member, the Chartered ABS Council will assess the current credentials of the organisation and identify an appropriate time frame by which it expects the applicant to meet the requirements of Full membership. This will be either three or five years. Applicants who then register as an Associate member will provide the Chartered ABS Council with annual reports on their progress to meeting the criteria for Full membership. If the Associate member has not met the requirement of Full membership by the end of the specified time frame, the Membership Committee of the Chartered ABS Council has the right to withdraw Associate membership.

Institutions that are granted Associate membership can use the term 'Associate Member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools' and the Chartered ABS logo in their documentation and publicity materials.

International membership

International membership is available to institutions located outside of the United Kingdom (and operating no base from within the United Kingdom) which are universities, colleges, schools or other bodies which satisfy all of the following criteria:

  • Delivery of HE level qualifications in business and management which are core to the institution's mission and with sufficient breadth and depth to meet the equivalent of national subject benchmark statements for general business and management set down by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).

  • Normally, have gained formal approval to achieve a critical mass in terms of research or scholarship to underpin the qualifications, as evidenced by, for example: the Institutional strategy, policies and practices, the quality and quantity of published outputs as measured, for example, by the Chartered ABS Academic Journal Guide, and the nature and level of financial and academic support for the 'community of scholars' associated with the qualifications.

Applicants should provide detailed information on all of the criteria above and may be required to facilitate a visit by one or more members of the Council prior to approval. The costs of such a visit are borne by the applicant.

Institutions applying for membership also require the formal support of two existing Chartered ABS members (via their voting representatives) to act as referees for their application.

Institutions that are granted International membership can use the term 'International Member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools' and the Chartered ABS logo in their documentation and publicity materials.

International members have full and equal access to all activities undertaken by the Chartered ABS and may send a non-voting representative to the Annual General Meeting. International members are not eligible to serve on the Chartered ABS Council but can be co-opted onto Chartered ABS Committees.

Corporate membership

Corporate members are private companies that have an interest in business and management education and the Chartered ABS for networking purposes. Membership is awarded at the discretion of the Chartered ABS Council.

Corporate members have access to a range of exclusive benefits which can be tailored into bespoke packages. The benefits include:

  • Those granted corporate membership can use the term 'Corporate Member of the Chartered Association of Business Schools' and the Chartered ABS logo in their documentation and publicity materials.*

  • Member's company name, profile and weblink listed on the Chartered ABS website.

  • Priority notice and first refusal on sponsorship opportunities across our portfolio of high-level national conferences, workshops, policy network meetings and receptions.

  • Access to Chartered ABS publications, with copies of each publication reserved for Corporate members.

  • A monthly e-newsletter providing news and analysis of developments in business and management education.

  • Corporate members are invited to contribute news items and content to share with the full membership and global network through the Chartered ABS website, subject to editorial approval.

  • A range of bespoke opportunities to position your brand, demonstrate thought leadership and develop relationships face to face are available on application.

*use of the Chartered ABS logo does not represent endorsement of a product or service.

Membership fees 2023/24

  • Full membership - £5,885

  • Associate membership - £5,885

  • International membership - £2,995

  • Corporate membership - POA

Apply today

Start your application today and become a member of the Chartered ABS.